Even as my occupation is a professor and every year like the rest I am compelled to attend recognition rites, There is always the feeling of uneasiness. This uneasiness arise from my own personal view that it is entirely unnecessary to have recognition rites of sorts where the achievers are given medals and accolades. This entire system of recognition runs counter to my cherished Christian values. Christ said that when we do good we should not allow the right hand know what the left is doing. When we lend we should not expect any payment in return. And he who greatest among you must serve. For the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first. The gospel interpretation of greatness is so different from this world. Thus my uneasiness. For in the end we must the recognition of God and not of men. The disaster in Japan is a classic example of even if how much we strive and achieve, a tsunami can carry them all away in oblivion. So let us set our hearts to where it really belong-to love God and to love one's neighbor as we love ourselves.