Saturday, April 4, 2015

Solo Pilgrimage on the Island of Heybie, Istanbul Turkey

16 August 2014

One of the most memorable visit I had in Turkey was the opportunity to visit the Island of Heibiliada. Sometimes this island is simply called Heybi because in Turkish "ada" means island.  My participation in the IPRA conference allowed me a couple of days to visit some of the most important landmarks of Istanbul.  As a Christian and perhaps because of what I have read from magazines I took interest to visit Heybiliada because it is home to the Halki School and the Aya Triada Monastery which once upon a time was an important theological school of Constantinople.  Now the school is closed by order of the government of Turkey but they are hoping that perhaps someday it will reopne again.  The Monastery however still continues to operate as a monastery and the school building is well maintained as if ready to reopen any time soon.  I stayed at Askoc Hotel near the Sirkechi station part of the Old City.  From there I took the tram to Emenonu and from there took the boat ride.  At first I did not know that there were different types of boat services and blessing in disguise I took the ordinary boat which was slower and has to make different stops on different ports to unload and upload passengers.  But on the other hand if afforded me the opportunity for sightseeing and for mixing around with the locals.  But on my way back I took the fast craft.  It was summer and it was so hot.  The Monastery is located on top of the mountain of Hope.  So I have to climb and fortunately there were only a handful of tourists and in mid noon I was the only one on the monastery with some few Greek speaking people.  

On the rooftop of the Halki School

The Aya Triada Monastery and the Halki School on top of the Mountain of Hope as seen from the boat on Heybiliada Island.

The main gate of the Aya Triada Monastery

The address of the Monastery

At the Aya Triada Orthodox Church.  The main sanctuary of the monastery with historic icons.

On the trail leading to the Aya Triada Monastery

The Monastery does not have a bell tower so the bells are located on the grounds of the Monastery

One of the stops at the smaller Islands, I think this is Kiniliada

The beautiful houses and the resorts around the islands.  During winter most hotels are closed

Sea Gulls thrive on the Marmara Sea and the Straits

Some of the Greek houses on Heybiliada

Hungry and Thirsty I delighted myself on this simple Turkish meal

If one has money to spare, they can rent this horse drawn cart and move around the island to see the beautiful white wooden houses.

Unforgettable Turkish Tea

The Asian Portion of Istanbul

Prominent people were buried on the grounds of the Monastery.  It included the remains of  Patriarchs, monks and other distinguished personalities.

The door leading to the seminary building from the Aya Triada Church 

An Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Some of the icons in the Aya Triada Monastery

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