Tuesday, April 10, 2012


The truth shines like the sun but it eludes the pretentious and the arrogant.

Peace has become a discipline in it's own right. As a discipline it has three areas of interests, (1) Peace Research, (2) Peace Education and (3) Peace Advocacy.  Those who profess peace should be well grounded in the principles, theories and assumptions of the discipline.   Thus, like a ship captain and like the rudder of a ship, those who profess the discipline must truly be grounded on the said foundations because they are suppose to lead the development of the discipline.  They should be able to speak it's language, know how to manipulate it's tools and know how to apply its practicality.  The goundedness of those who profess peace as a discipline can be gauged by: (1) their track record in the practice of the discipline, (2) their scholarly work, and (3) a genuine desire to further advance the discipline and for no other motive for self-gain or for political reasons.  Like a bird seeking shelter Peace can be elusive.  It eludes the insincere and the opportunists.  It does not use arrogant or despicable language and seeks to achieve virtues.  Only a true shepherd can love the sheep. The hireling Shepherd will only seek the wages and not the welfare of the fold.  Only a mother can truly love her child, a care-giver will only seek wages.  So those who truly profess the discipline are the ones that can truly care for it.   

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