Monday, April 30, 2012


Barangay Victory Village-North, Legazpi City, Albay, the Philippines
Building a City and making it livable is a challenge.  The saying "all is fair in love" may not apply in development work.  For indeed in some respect societies develop but social justice and equity remains ideals to be realized. In some places poverty and lack of opportunity for employment are the causes of poverty and decline while other areas improves and develops.  As they say there are two sides to a coin.  On one hand the government does all it can to help and integrate people to the economic life.  On the other hand it also takes a concerted effort on the part of the marginalized people to take action and decide for themselves.  Often ignorance and lack of education contributes to inaction and complacency.  My students will be doing a field research project in Victory Village North.  This village used to be situated near the coastline and today it is still.  But with the addition of the building of a tourist and commercial areas that has symbolized innovation and progress.  How does the people view the tourism development plans of Legazpi City in this village.  Have they benefited or putting the question in another form, did this tourism development projects provided them with opportunities?  I hope that this activity will not only teach my students the methods and processes of research but also awaken in them a social conscience that will make them more conscientious and active citizens who will advocate progress but at the same time care for people.

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