Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sometimes our closets get filled up with stuffs we no longer need or things that we need still. But when there is enough surplus we tend to give them away. However, as I've learned from my grandparents ( I dunno if these are plain superstition, but I complied anyway)there are things or belongings we should not give away for free as it will have a negative repercussion for the future. These items are:


They said that shoes are the possessions we use to step down.  So if we give them away the person who receives it will in the future trample on us.  So instead of giving it away sell it for whatever price.  You could even set the price at 1 peso only as long is it something that is bought.  (This superstition defies rational explanation hehehehe)


Pens are object we use for writing.  We sign our names with them and we express our thoughts through the pen.  Hence giving away your pens for free will mean that you are going to be doing bad decisions in the future.  If you give away your pen, somebody is going to write off your name.  (hehehe do you how blatant is the superstition?)

But for the sake of peace I simply givein to the superstition of my folks.  There is no point to argue because they have lived longer and possess more knowledge than I do.

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