Friday, April 22, 2011

San Juan Bautista Church of Tabaco City: Simbahan ko Padangat ko!

Most of my years were spent in this town.  I am a traveler by nature, and I love to  visit places.  But in the end I always come home to this beautiful town.  In the vernacular we have saying which goes this way - no matter how long the procession is, it always end up in church.  This means that wherever I go, no matter how far, I will always come home to this town.

Today is Good Friday and after visiting the church for the Sacrament of Penance I decided to take pictures of the San Juan Bautista Church in Tabaco City.  This church was named by the National Commission on the Culture and the Arts (NCAA) as a national treasure.  The structure contains various peculiar markings of masons.  The church is made up of lime and volcanic stone.  This church has been the subject of various blog on the internet.  I used my HTC Wildfire mobile phone camera to take these snapshots. 

The Cherubim, angels standing before the throne of God ready to serve.

Church authorities have done the right thing to cordon this outdoor altar.  Unscrupulous lovers often use these area as dating place and ignorantly would sit on top of the altar!!! With these rails vandals and daters were prevented from desecrating this holy shrine.

The Main altar covered with purple curtain is all set for the Good Friday Liturgy.

The altar of repose, where the Eucharistic Christ is adored by the faithful.

The patio
Truly a jewel, a work of art and a master piece!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kawa-kawa Hill: Fun, Adventure and Religiousity Remix

Albay Province in the Philippines boasts not only of its beautiful beaches, mountains and resorts but in an interesting way, fun and adventure mix together with the natural religiosity of the people. The Kawa-Kawa Hill in Tuburan, Ligao City is a classic example.  The name Kawakawa is the native word for wok because the hill top is crater like a sort of a mini-plateau that resembles a wok.  The crater is surrounded by hilly elevation.  Surrounding these hills are more-than life-size dioramas of the stations of the cross.  One has to climb the 236 meter high hill to reach the top.   As you go around the hill-top you get to relive the passion of Christ as you visit all those dioramas.  Those who intend to visit this shrine or hill, Ligao is just an hour's drive from Legazpi City.  There are buses, vans and taxis that serves commuters.   To those who conceptualize this, congratulations for coming up with a very interesting and meaningful tourism spot in Ligao.  May your tribe increase!!!

Votive Candles at the first station.  You can bring your own candle or buy from the religious store near by.

The Last Supper

"Can you not stay awake with me for an hour?"  The disciples overtaken by sleep as Christ prayed in Gethsemani

The Agony in the Garden

Christ stands trial before Pontius Pilate with the Jewish High Pries Annanias accusing Him.

Christ was mocked and reviled by the soldiers and crowned Him with thorns and hailed Him as King of the Jews

Christ is made to carry His cross to Mt. Golgotha

Under the wight of the Cross Christ falls for the first time

Simon a Cyrenean is made to carry the Cross of Christ

"Cry not for me, but cry for yourselves and for your children..."  Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

Christ is crucified.  The whole sky was covered with darkenss as the Son of God offered Himself to God the Father.

Son Behold your mother, woman behold your son, Mary becomes the Mother of the Church at the foot of the Cross

At evening, Christ died on the Cross

Joseph of Arimatea boldly claimed for the Body of the Lord

Since I live you too shall live.  Christ is Risen Alleluia!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

From Cagsawa to Daraga

It's Holy Week again and in the liturgical calendar of the Church we celebrate in a whole  year the life and mystery of Jesus Christ.  One of the fondest devotions among Filipinos is the Visita Iglesia where one is promised a plenary indulgence if one would visit seven churches on holy week and pray for the intention of the Pope.  One who intends to do this must be in a state of grace in order to receive the plenary indulgence.  

To those who are fond doing visita iglesia, and if you are somewhere near, don't miss to see the Church of Daraga in Albay.  Built by the Franciscan Missionaries in the 16th Century and today stands as a living witness to the faith of a people despite disaster are able to survive.

Daraga Church atop on a Hill overlooking the entire City. 
The Church is set up on a hill overlooking the city of Legazpi and the entire environs of Daraga, Albay. The municipality of Daraga borders the hilly portions of the Albay and Sorsogon provinces while on the east are the valleys and coasts facing the Albay Gulf and Pacific ocean.  Strategically the church was built on top of a hill as a precaution against volcanic eruption and mud flows.  The sad experience of the old church of Cagsawa on the plain has taught the succeeding builders to relocate the church on top of the hill.  The location is also symbolic in a way because it portrays the missionary role of the church to evangelize the native people and to show everyone the light of Christ.  On top of a hill she (the church) proclaims the message of salvation.  Inviting everyone to embrace her faith in the Son of God.
The facade of the Daraga Church

The face of the church, recently painted with white. Here is a link that will help you understand the history of this parish church. Parish Church of Nuestra Senora de la Porteria.
Majestically nestled on top of a hill with Mt. Mayon Volcano on the Background

The Convent, colonial style of architecture

Historical Marker

The Image of our Lady of the Gate

Saturday, April 2, 2011


 Looking at my old digital photo chest, I was reminded of our trip to Caramoan way back in the summer of 2009.  Then Caramoan was still new in the tourism landscape and the islands were pristine and new to tourism.  I would like to share with you some of my photos [there are hundreds of them, but I for lack of space I will only share a few, if to give my readers a bird's eye view].  

These little boats ferry passengers to the bigger ones in Guijalo
Caramoan is a municipality in the eastern part of the Partido Area, a district in the province of Camarines Sur.  It is locked by mountain ranges and by the pacific ocean.  It is accessible by road from Naga City passing through Tinambac but the road is not as good as it should be and it proves to be the long route, and may not be acessible during rainy season.  So most travellers gpoing to Caramaoan prefer the sea route.  From Naga City one can take the van or jeepney or bus going to San Jose.  From San Jose one can take another jeepney going to the Sabang port. The ride from Naga City to Sabang could take an hour or so.  Once in Sabang one can take one of several boats plying the route of Sabang to Guijalo port in Caramoan.  These are fishing ports and thus the facilities may not be as perfect as one would expect.  But that imperfection is actually one its main attraction especially for the spirited and adventorous.  One has to  be prepared to embark and disembark in a manner like the one  you see in the photo below.  During low tide the boat annot dock the on the ramp so it has to stay a little distance away from the shore.  Be prerared to let someone carry you in their shoulders.  There are porters who can assist you for a minimal fee.

These is one of several motorized boats plying the route from Sabang to Guijalo ports.

Once you reach Guijalo, a fishing port there are jeepneys or trimobile that could bring you to the town of Caramoan.  There are some hotels, hometels, or home stays where you can stay.  It is advisable to get your bookings in advance. 

Guijalo Port in Caramoan.  This is the entry those going to the town of Caramoan.  Guijalo is a fishing village.

Map of Caramoan

The Parish Church of St. Michael
 There are interesting places to visit while in Caramoan.  To do those  interested in history and culture one cannot fail but appreciate this huge structure in the town center.  The Parish Church of St. Michael.  The people of Caramoan are Roman Catholics and one would wonder how this huge church was built in a remote town as Caramoan.  But the story goes back several hundred years, when the Franciscan Friar, Fray Francisco de la Cruz y Oropesa penetrated the vast forests of Caramoan peninsula in an attempt to establish a Catholic mission among the natives of this remote peninsula.  As history would tell us the mission prospered and this huge brick church is a testimony both to the enduring Catholic faith embraced by the natives and also a testimony to the influence of Spain during her glorious years.  This church was built through forced labor.  During the Spanish occupation all males of legal aged were required to render free labor for ten days every year as a form of taxation.  The wealthy who wish not to endure the labor could hire a substitute.  I visited this church while we were in Caramoan.  I climb the tower and also took the opportunity to visit the parish priest, who seem to be very amiable and industrious.  I also attended Holy Mass.  As I look at the people in church both young and old I suddenly felt some sense of awe at the thought that succeeding generations worshiped in this Church.  Many were baptized in this church some were married in this church and some had their requiem masses  held in this church. 

 Island hopping is the main attraction of Caramoan.  There are several groups of islets that offer many wonders for swimmers and divers.  There are boats that can take you to these islets.  They provide life jackets to ensure that everyone is safe.  You can visit the different islets.  But I would suggest that before you embark on island hopping you should first read some literature [there re plenty of them on the internet] about the places you can visit.  Do not just rely on what the boat driver would tell you, but rather you should be the one to tell the boat driver about places you want to visit.  I believe that majority of them are honest but as safeguard to avoid being short changed you should know the different islets. 

The several hundred steps to the Grotto of Our Lady of Peace

From the grotto one could have a commanding view of the valleys
The Grotto

The Islets of Caramoan as seen from the grotto

The Coral Islets

 I hope that with this short blog entry I have given you a birds eye view of what Caramoan is.  To see is to believe.  Visit Bicol and visit Caramoan this summer.  Padabaon ta ang Bicol iyo ini ang satuyang orgolyo.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Albay Province and Mt. Mayon Volcano

One of the more picturesque places in the Philippines.  - Albay Province and Mt. Mayon Volcano.

The Western Portion of Albay is mountainous/rugged terrain, usually covers the municipalities of Jovellar and Guinobatan and Camalig

The Shoreline of the Eastern Portion of Albay

Mt. Mayon Volcano

Rawis Legazpi City